Review and Earn

According to a report, 93% of customers read reviews before purchasing, and on average, reviews produce an 18% growth in sales. So, customer reviews play a significant role in product sales.

Challenges in Existing Review Model

A customer can write a positive review or a negative review. If a customer has a negative experience with a product, they express their dissatisfaction by writing a negative review. The customers who have a good experience with a product have no/little motivation to write a positive review. Some companies offer coupons or extra discounts for writing a positive review. However, writing reviews for incentives is immoral and unfair.

Reward Model as a Solution

DonBangSeok encourages customers to write a review by offering IDC. If a customer writes a review within one week/two weeks after the purchase, then the reviewer can earn 5%/1% of the brand token amount worth of IDC as a reward.

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